Friday 14 December 2012

Swapping my 240 litre wheelie for slim-line version

As I struggled to get my blue wheelie bin past the car in the drive last week I had a thought - the Rubbish Diet has reduced my rubbish so much that I don't need a great big wheelie bin any more! So I contacted Shropshire council to see if I can swap my 240litre bin for a slim line version. Apparently I can - so hopefully very soon I will be getting my smaller bin. It will take up less space on the drive and will be easier to move about. Oh the joys of slimming my bin!! So far the benefits have been: No more smelly bin as we have stopped wasting food, No more panic about missing the bin men as it's no big deal if I have to wait 4 weeks for a refuse collection, We are saving money by planning our meals to avoid waste, And I am saving the council on landfill tax as more and more of our stuff is getting recycled. And I feel like the environmental impact of our household is getting smaller as we begin to use resources more wisely and waste less stuff. Determined to keep a lid on waste this Christmas! Best wishes Ali

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